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Music In Hospices

Experience Music In Hospices

Live Music Performances

Live Music Performances

Memories Through Music

Music in hospices and palliative care settings is often overlooked be cause of the connotations of a hospice: many people have never experienced life in a Hospice, feel uncomfortable working with palliative care patients or are simply not sure how to approach making music in this environment.

Music In Hospices aspires to change this - to demystify hospices for many people and make Music in Palliative care settings the norm. 

Maybe a person has a favourite piece of music they’d like to hear? Maybe they'd like background music to relax to or maybe the Hospice would like a short concert for an entire ward of patients. Concerts such as these, with appropriate music are the perfect opportunity to bring families closer together, allowing them to create memories for life. 

A Music In Hospices concert lasts around 30 minutes, but our musicians provide more than that. They will arrive in good time for the performance, allowing time to meet their audience, have a chat and get to know them. This is particularly welcomed by patients who have little contact with relatives or friends.

Whilst Music In Hospices aims to bring familiar, comforting and well known repertoire to patients we also don’t want to dampen down the quality of music we perform. People have eclectic tastes and as long as the music is somewhat comforting to listen to then anything is possible.

From show tunes to folk songs, well known pop songs to classical items - we hope to bring a diverse range of music to these concerts.

"At the end of life, music’s natural calming effect can help hospice patients express and experience a wide array of emotions at a time when self-expression and coping matter more than ever"

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